Hello! Welcome to Gaming Warlords!
This website is all about the Dynasty Warriors series by Koei. We are obsessed with everything that goes with this series, and that includes delving into the history of the Three Kingdoms era, on which the aforementioned series is based upon. Please feel free to look around, and sign our guestbook before you go! We would like to hear what you think of this, whether it's positive or negative comments!
All of the links below are internal links to pages on our website. Each include my personal review of each game and, where possible, a number of screenshots.
Homepage Dynasty Warriors DW2 DW3(part1) DW3(part2) DW3 - Xtreme Legends DW4 DW4 - Xtreme Legends Dynasty Tactics Dynasty Tactics 2 Related Links Favourite Links Planned Updates Officer Profiles Gaming Warlords Profiles Other StuffHello. First, let me apologise for not having this page finished a long time ago. As explained on the homepage, I've not had the chance to do so for a long time. I aim to have this site back up-to-date soon!
Dynasty Warriors 4 - Xtreme Legends follows in the same fashion as Dynasty Warriors 3 - Xtreme Legends did, and is an add-on for Dynasty Warriors 4. Below is a list of features in DW4 - XL: