Hello! Welcome to Gaming Warlords!
This website is all about the Dynasty Warriors series by Koei. We are obsessed with everything that goes with this series, and that includes delving into the history of the Three Kingdoms era, on which the aforementioned series is based upon. Please feel free to look around, and sign our guestbook before you go! We would like to hear what you think of this, whether it's positive or negative comments!
All of the links below are internal links to pages on our website. Each include my personal review of each game and, where possible, a number of screenshots.
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(As stated on the second part's page, this page has been split into two parts. The reason for this was, as someone rightly pointed out, the fact that 7 to 8 A4 pages of text with some pictures is not very readable. I apologise if this is awakward, having to browse between two pages, but this is how it must be. Therefore both of these parts have been spruced up.)
The cover from the UK version. The US cover is abou the same, but also has Zhen
Ji on it.
The third installment of the series so far. Builds upon DW2, the game engine is basically the same. Don't let that put you off though, as the engine has been seriously enhanced graphically and physically. I'll say it again, but this game is seriously worthwhile buying, especially if you have got Xtreme Legends (see another page for information on that).
Players start with a FMV that seriously looks the business, then the main menu is presented, which definately looks a lot better than the one in DW2. Musou mode and Free Mode are still present, but these have been improved considerably. Versus Mode is also present (something that DW2 doesn't have - more on Versus later). There are now also challenges which allow the player to take a character and complete an objective in the time limit or set a high scoring-record. There is also a Database with details about all of the officers. It also shows what items are unlocked and at what stage they are at, and also what weapons are unlocked and viewable.
Musou Mode plays the same as in DW2 in terms of progression through the game, but some major points have been addressed. There is no longer a need to save the game whenever a Save Point is found in the levels (Thank you God), instead there is an option on the Pause menu. Granted, the game shuts off the level, but you can go straight back to the level. This feature is welcomed by many as it allows players to save after clearing part of a fourth weapon objective. Without this feature, it is possible that you will die trying to get the weapon and have to start again. Anyone who has tried getting some fourth weapons will know how annoying that is.
Free Mode plays the same as in DW2 too, but again it has been majorly improved. This mode is useful for just playing whichever level you want and to get new weapons and items. The levels play the same as they do in Musou Mode, but is generally easier (perhaps it's because on Wu Zhang Plains for example, you have Sima Yi as the Supreme Commander instead of Cao Cao, Sima Yi being a lot easier to beat than Cao Cao).
I forgot to mention before in both modes that there is a two-player feature available. This is something that DW2 did not have, and it makes the game a LOT easier (when I say it's a lot easier, I really mean it. You need to have played both games in single-player and then DW3 in two-player to really understand how much easier the game becomes.). The co-operative mode in either Musou or Free Mode makes the game much more enjoyable and easier to complete the game. Without the two-player feature, getting all of the fourth weapons is VERY HARD, as is getting every item to the maximum.
Above is a shot of the two-player feature running. I don't know if you can see
it clearly, but the graphical quality is still very good, considering most games
look poor in multi-player. Pop-up is a big problem in multi-player, but it doesn't
affect the gameplay too much.
Versus Mode is quite entertaining. You choose a level specially designed for two-player combat, then each person chooses a character. A word of warning, even if you do train a character up to the maximum, he/she will still have the same stats as they do before any training. Let us take Jie Ting, for example. This level has been modified into a square shape, the sides of the arena are made from spike defences (seen in the level itself). Each player fights each other in a duel, Dynasty Warriors style. The winner is the one still standing with any amount of health after knocking out the other player. Another good level is the Versus version of Assault on Wu Territory. Each player chooses a character as for any other level, but when the level is loading, each player will be assigned a team. Each team consists of three CPU-controlled characters. In the level, there are 4 Imperial Seals (more about items and weapons later on), so technically each player can pick up two Imperial Seals each, but it doesn't always work out like that. The first player to grab an Imperial Seal gets Lu Bu charge in (unless one of the players choose him, then it's someone else). If the other player then grabs an Imperial Seal, then Lu Bu (or whoever it is) defects to the other player's side. When he is defeated, he will drop a Meat Bun +50 (more on those later too). This will recover 50 health points for whichever player picks it up (CPU-controlled players cannot pick it up).
Challenge is quite fun too. This is a one-player mode only, though. One of the challenges is to defeat as many enemy players (and their troops) as you can. This is quite good, as it will challenge you with most characters. Lu Bu is the best one to pick to defeat many troops, because he is fast, has good reach and a great variety of attacks. Oh yeah, and his Musou attack is possibly the best in the game (This is my personal opinion, many people will disagree with me. Let me know who you is the best and give me your reasons why. I might put them up on the website at a later date. I would include a short video clip to prove my point, but it proves unnecesscary once you have played as him). Another challenge is to defeat 100 enemies as fast as possible. The top score is 4:00.00 (4 minutes), and believe me, even with Lu Bu this is well hard to do! My brother struggled to clear this level and beat the top score and he is the BEST DW3 player EVER!
Now to discuss the items. The screenshot below shows you what they all look like, and I'll describe each below:
This is a screenshot of Zhao Yun fighting on Nanman Campaign. The version in the shot is a Japanese version, but it still shows how good the game looks (the picture can't be shrunk or enlarged without ruining the picture)
This is obvious what it is: It is displayed when you lose a match. The character changes depending on who it is, although it's always Player 1's character, not Player 2's, even if it is Player 2 who got defeated.
A shot of the pre-match menu, this sector of it being the Unit Info screen,
where players can see what each side's army consists of. This becomes very useful
when you need to see if any officer has a sub-officer during the match as well
as before it. Other sectors of the pre-match menu are: Personal, which is where
you choose one of four different weapons, select up to five different items
and select how many bodyguards you have; Introduction, which builds the atmosphere
for the battle, and gives you a bit of background information; Conditions, which
will tell you what the Victory and Defeat conditions are (hence the name of
the sector). These conditions can vary, being a commander being defeated or
other units being defeated; (In 2-Player) 2P Quit, which lets Player 2 quit
if he/she is sick of playing, or they wish to stop playing with their current
character and choose a different one instead.; and finally Start/Resume (which
one depends on whether you are in the match or not), which is fairly self-explanitory
as to what they do.
Lu bu is in this FMV, which plays before (forgot which level this is from, will report on that soon)
A screenshot from a different FMV, this one being the one at the beginning of Chang Ban, where Liu Bei asks his people what he wants of him.
A screenshot from the Yellow Turban Rebellion level in DW3. Cao Cao is talking to Xiahou Dun in the FMV, but I thought you might like to see a screenshot to see the quality of the FMV's.
Above is what the deadlocks look like. When you get into one, literally grab your pad, push the left analog stick/directional button (whichever you use), and hammer the Attack button (it is Square as default, but some people like to change their controller setup, so will call it the Attack button). You will win deadlocks a lot (unless you are on Hard or Very Hard, which really is very difficult to win a deadlock on. If this method doesn't work for you, then I invite you to find another one. If you do, I would like to hear about it though) through this method.
Speed Scroll - Increases the player's speed. VERY helpful for characters such
as Xu Zhu and Meng Huo. Ranges in effect from +1 to +16
Wing Boots - Increases the jump power for the character is is equipped with.
Not very useful really. Ranges in effect from +1 to +16
Elixir - Boosts the speed of which the character's Musou bar fills. Possibly
one of the most useful items in the game. THE hardest item to get in the game
by a long way (on average, a player will get this item once in about 50 hours,
so you have to play the game a LOT to get it). Ranges from +1 to +20
Wind Scroll - Adds to the reach of the character. Another useful item. Also
hard to get, but you get it about three times more often than Elixir. Ranges
from +1 to +20
Dragon Amulet - Increases the maximum amount your Musou bar fills to on the
level. Very helpful, and is one of my Top Five Items. Ranges from +1 to +60
Tiger Amulet - Increase the amount of attack power you have. Again, very helpful
and is one of my Top Five Items. Ranges from +1 to +20
Peacock Urn - This increases the amount of health you have. This is definately
VERY helpful (or "healthful" as my brother jokes occasionally), especially
if you have the Tortoise Amulet equipped too. Again, a Top Five Items member.
Ranges from +1 to +60.
Huang's Bow - The amount of health that your arrows take down is increased by
using this item. A good item to equip if your playing style involves using lots
of arrows. Ranges from +1 to +40
Shell Armor - The amount of health you lose after being attacked by an arrow
is decreased by equipping this item. Very helpful on levels such as Seige Of
He Fei Castle, where you WILL encounter a LOT of bowmen. Ranges from +1 to +40.
Horned Helm - Your attack on a horse is increased by using this item. As I don't
attack too much on a horse, except when I'm charging a group of enemies, assisting
an ally at the same time, I don't find this item too useful. But those with
much riding and attacking on horses in their playing style will find it helpful.
Ranges from +1 to +40.
Cavalry Armor - The defensive powers that your character possess when on a horse
with this item equipped is increased. For the same reasons as above, I don't
find this item very useful. The same plausible reasons that I stated above for
any need for this item still stand here. Ranges from +1 to +40.
Seven Star Orb - Your luck is increased with this item equipped. Rumours have
it that that it is easier to win deadlocks with this item equipped. It is also
supposedly easier to get good items with this item. Whether or not these rumours
have any foundation is anyone's guess (well, Koei would know I suppose). I agree
with the items rumour, although the deadlocks one is more than likely to be
false. That is down to well good timing I think more than anything else. I'll
discuss deadlocks in detail later. Ranges from +1 to +20
Tortoise Amulet - Increases the character's defence. This is one of my Top Five
Items to equip. Ranges from +1 to +40.
Red Hare Saddle - One of the many special items available.
Players can start any level on the Red Hare (Which is the best horse in the
game (all special items are listed here in bold.)
Hex Mark Saddle - Like Red Hare Saddle, but starts players
on Hex Mark instead of Red Hare.
Way Of The Musou - Enables the True Musou attack to be used
at any time, instead of only when near death.
Defender - Gives the player double defence for 30 seconds when
near death. Very helpful, especially when near lots of troops and you need to
take them out quickly, but don't want to risk losing a lot of health quickly
when hit. An item you will certainly want to equip if you predict many near-death
experiences in the next battle.
The Art Of War - Attack x2, Defence x2 and Imperial Seal last
for longer with this equipped.
Power Scroll - Stops you losing deadlocks (when officers strike
each other with the same amount of force - when they both use Musou attacks
and collide with each other for example. In co-operative mode, both human players
cannot get into deadlocks with each other), but you can still draw them. Not
a bad item if you find you get into deadlocks a lot.
Survival Guide - Characters will have double Attack for 30
seconds. Quite useful this item is, especially if you have low attack power
and you are nearly dead (of course). Of course, to take full advantage of this
item, you need to be near some enemies, otherwise the effect is wasted. A good
item to quip if you predict lots of near-death experiences for the next battle.
Fire Arrows - Enables the character to shoot arrows with fire
on the tips of each of them. Very useful for those who love bowing people down,
as the fire takes out more health after you shoot the arrow into them. I hate
using arrows, and only use when I am low on health and so attack from a distance,
or if I have to take out bowmen in the towers.
Buckler - Prevents stumbling after guarding. How useful this
is I don't know, as I rarely use it. The thing it prevents makes it easier to
play the game, yes, but I think it takes away the challenge of defeating an
officer, or indeed any other troops. Not an item I recommend putting on the
equipped items list too often (unless you like it of course)
Golden Harness - This prevents arrows dismounting you off a
horse. This can be handy, but I rarely use it, as sometimes I prefer the arrows
to hit me off. That might sound odd, but that's my playing style.
Imperial Saddle - Characters can mount any horse in the game,
no mater what class they are on. Helpful if you like racing around on horses,
then lose where you put your horse.
Bodyguard's Manual - Your bodyguards become stronger (apparently)
with this item equipped. I haven't noticed this though. My brother says that
it does work, but I have yet to see it for myself. Not the most useful item
then in my opinion.
Number | Item | Why I like it so much |
1 | Peacock Urn - Health | Because when it's maximum, the benefits of this item are self-explanatory: it gives you more health in other words |
2 | Tortoise Amulet - Defence | Almost as useful as Peacock Urn, but not quite. This item, also when maximum, is very useful indeed. It boosts your defence really high |
3 | Tiger Amulet - Attack | Comes in useful when taking down harder enemies. It boosts your attack, so it's gotta be useful |
4 | Dragon Amulet - Musou Maximum | It increases your musou bar, which is always useful, but even more so when you've got True Musou going, then you want the bar as full as possible. |
5 | Elixir - Musou Charge | This is the most controversial entry in my Top Five Items. This is because some people believe that Wind Scroll (Reach) is more deserving of this entry than Elixir. So I leave it up to you, the player, to decide which is more worthwhile. |
I won't go into detail about weapons here, as that could take a long time.
Each character has 4 equippable weapons which they cna choose from before the
start of the battle. The fourth one, as you would expect, is very hard to get.
There is a guide available for viewing on many other sites, and indeed that
guide incorporates the guide for getting all of the special items. This guide
is linked to on my links page. The fourth weapon's stats are fixed, but each
of the other weapons have stats that can be changed when picking up new weapons.
See below for a screenshot:
OK, the rest of the content is going to be on another page, here is the link to it. If you want to know why some of the content has been moved, see the top of the page.
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(Seal Of Approval is only given out to the games/sites we REALLY think deserve them. These games MUST score 9.0 or higher to get the SOA. Should we rate a game 8.0 - 8.9, then we will give them the Try It Out award. The games that get this award are very good, but not quite good enough in our opinion to be obsessed with (like us here at Gaming Warlords). Don't forget that this is our opinion, and if you think we were too generous with a rating, or too hard on a particular game, then email us at the address above, and tell us what you think briefly, what we missed out and what you would rate the game as. As for sites, these are a different matter and you should tell who made the site what is wrong with their site. However please tell us if a link to a site doesn't work or the site is offensive, so that we can look at it and decide what to do about it.)
Copyright JD Whitby, Gaming Warlord No.1, 2003.