Hello! Welcome to Gaming Warlords!
This website is all about the Dynasty Warriors series by Koei. We are obsessed with everything that goes with this series, and that includes delving into the history of the Three Kingdoms era, on which the aforementioned series is based upon. Please feel free to look around, and sign our guestbook before you go! We would like to hear what you think of this, whether it's positive or negative comments!
All of the links below are internal links to pages on our website. Each include my personal review of each game and, where possible, a number of screenshots.
For those with non-Java-enabled browsers, these links will get you around the site:
Dynasty Warriors
DW3 - Xtreme Legends
DW4 - Xtreme Legends
Dynasty Tactics
Dynasty Tactics 2
Related Links
Favourite Links
Planned Updates
Officer Profiles
Gaming Warlords Profiles
Other Stuff
On this page I will announce all planned changes to the website. This will include addition/removal of pages, editing of content as I see fit, and so forth.Once a update has been carried out, an announcement will be made on the relevant page. So here's what I have got planned:
The imminent release of Dynasty Warriors 4 - Xtreme Legends has taken us by surprise, but we're keeping on top of it here at Gaming Warlords. As soon as we find out something new, it will be added to the DW4 - XL page that has just been created (hence why we haven't had time to add it to the navigation bar yet - although there is a standard hyperlink to it)
The Dynasty Tactics page is fine just the way it is now (or at least it will be after I add the summary and the rating to it). I have now started work on the Dynasty Tactics 2 page. It is still in early development (you'll see what I mean if you visit the page). This game is due out in the USA in September 2003, with Europe expecting a final quarter 2003 release (it's stated on the back of the UK DW4 manuals). As soon as I have enough decent material, I'll finish the page.
A huge part of the website that still needs to be implemented is the Dynasty Warriors Officers Profiles page. As you can guess, this page will be huge. There are 41 playable characters in the last two games, so it will take some time to finish. Several characters have already been done, but there is a lot still to do. The still to be completed banners will be removed as soon as the relevant page is done.
Once all of this is done, minor maintenance to each of the existing pages will be carried out if necessary. Long-term plans (and I don't know whether or not it will be coming out yet) include a look-forward page to DW5, followed a few months after by the review page. This will probably happen next year, or the year after if it comes out for the PS3.
Contact Details
Having problems with any pages here? Contact us at the address below:
Disagree with our giving a game/site a Seal Of Approval/Try
It Out award? Contact us at the address below:
To give us your views on anything on this site, use the below address:
(Seal Of Approval is only given out to the games/sites we REALLY think deserve them. These games MUST score 9.0 or higher to get the SOA. Should we rate a game 8.0 - 8.9, then we will give them the Try It Out award. The games that get this award are very good, but not quite good enough in our opinion to be obsessed with (like us here at Gaming Warlords). Don't forget that this is our opinion, and if you think we were too generous with a rating, or too hard on a particular game, then email us at the address above, and tell us what you think briefly, what we missed out and what you would rate the game as. As for sites, these are a different matter and you should tell who made the site what is wrong with their site. However please tell us if a link to a site doesn't work or the site is offensive, so that we can look at it and decide what to do about it.)
Copyright JD Whitby, Gaming Warlord No.1, 2003.