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This website is all about the Dynasty Warriors series by Koei. We are obsessed with everything that goes with this series, and that includes delving into the history of the Three Kingdoms era, on which the aforementioned series is based upon. Please feel free to look around, and sign our guestbook before you go! We would like to hear what you think of this, whether it's positive or negative comments!
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Dynasty Warriors was the first in the series from Koei. It was quite a different game to the rest of the series. It takes the form of a side-on beat-em-up game, much like Virtua Fighter and Tekken. The major difference being of course that the game involved characters from the RoTK period, and not imagined characters like the aforementioned games.
I'm sure I don't need to tell you how to play games like this. But I will anyway for the rookie gamer. Each player selects a character from a choice of 12. The level to be played on is either randomised or player selected, depending on the setting in the options menu. The level chosen will then start to load. Once the annoucer says Go, each player starts using a variety of moves to defeat the opponent. At the top of the screen there are two meters, one for each player. These indicate the current level of viatality each player has. Once either player's health/viatality (whatever you want to call it) has run out, the player with the most health will be victorious. There is also a timer in the middle-top of the screen, which is set to 40 seconds as standard, but can be changed in the options menu. Another way to beat an opponent is to have more health than him/her at the end of the time. Once more final scenario is that both players could finish up with exactly the same amount of health, but both hit each other with an identical amount of force that results in them both being knocked out at the same time. This is called a Double KO.
Thus concludes my little guide on how to play the game. I am sure that most of my readers will not need to read that, as most people are familiar with the concept of this style of game. Now onto the rest of this page.
I can't say that I like this game much, because side-on beat-em-ups are not my thing. Racing and the other Dynasty Warriors games are (but that's not for discussion here). Besides, this sort of violence I don't agree with. If I need to express anger or violence, I will play DW3, or I will thump my laptop (which occurs a lot, as the damn thing doesn't like my software, nor my ridiculously fast and heavy typing). That's my preferred way of dealing out violence anyway.
Right, well this page is possibly the shortest page on the entire Gaming Warlords website. This is only because there isn't an awful lot to discuss or report on in this game. If I could get my hands on some screenshots, I would display them. But they aren't very obtainable.
So I suppose the best thing to do here would be to give this game a rating. Like I said, there isn't an awful lot to report on here in this game, but what is there is quite a good game which should appeal to many gamers, especially those who enjoy beat-em-ups. The choice of characters and level selection is limited, though, which is why I give this game a rating of 7.0; not a great game, but the potential was there to expand it into something fantastic. Sadly, this was not done. Still, I recommend trying it if you can find it (something that took me some time to do).
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(Seal Of Approval is only given out to the games/sites we REALLY think deserve them. These games MUST score 9.0 or higher to get the SOA. Should we rate a game 8.0 - 8.9, then we will give them the Try It Out award. The games that get this award are very good, but not quite good enough in our opinion to be obsessed with (like us here at Gaming Warlords). Don't forget that this is our opinion, and if you think we were too generous with a rating, or too hard on a particular game, then email us at the address above, and tell us what you think briefly, what we missed out and what you would rate the game as. As for sites, these are a different matter and you should tell who made the site what is wrong with their site. However please tell us if a link to a site doesn't work or the site is offensive, so that we can look at it and decide what to do about it.)
Copyright JD Whitby, Gaming Warlord No.1, 2003.