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This website is all about the Dynasty Warriors series by Koei. We are obsessed with everything that goes with this series, and that includes delving into the history of the Three Kingdoms era, on which the aforementioned series is based upon. Please feel free to look around, and sign our guestbook before you go! We would like to hear what you think of this, whether it's positive or negative comments!
All of the links below are internal links to pages on our website. Each include my personal review of each game and, where possible, a number of screenshots.
Go to: Wei Kingdom, Shu Kingdom, Other Forces Kingdom, Officer Profiles Home.
Name: Sun Jian
Served: Wu
Commanding Officer: None
Interesting Quote: "Interesting! You want to fight me!"
Officers in his command: Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Zhou Yu, Sun Li
Sun Jian formed Wu in response to Cao Cao's forming of Wei and of Liu Bei's formation of Shu. Wu was based in the south-eastern sector of China, which had the Chang Jiang river flowing through it. The naval assualt by Cao Cao at Chi Bi (on the Chang Jiang) was beaten thanks to the alliance with Liu Bei during this battle. Sun Jian's sons, Sun Ce and Sun Quan, fought for him when Sun Jian died in battle. Sun Ce vowed to do the one thing his father had wanted to achieve: Unite China and bring a long-lasting period of peace throughout the land. Sun Ce became ill from battle, and later died too. Sun Quan then led the army of Wu through war, but failed to live his father's dream too.
Name: Sun Ce
Served: Wu
Commanding Officer: Sun Jian (later himself, then Sun Quan)
Interesting Quote: "You think you can take me? That's pretty funny!"
Officers in his command: Sun Quan (for a short time), Sun Li, Zhou Yu, Sun Shang
Xiang, Lu Xun, Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao, Gan Ning, Huang Gai.
Sun Ce took over command of Wu when his father, Sun Jian, died during battle. Nicknamed "The Little Conquerer", Sun Ce fought valiantly during battle. His only objective was to live his father's dream, which was to unite China and bring everlasting peace. Soon after his father's death, Sun Ce fell ill from a recurring injury he suffered during an earlier battle. He refused to give up fighting, but died shortly after a battle. Sun Quan took over command of Wu, and hoped to live his father's dream. Sun Quan failed this too when Cao Cao's huge army annhilated Wu and won the war.
Name: Sun Quan
Served: Wu
Commanding Officer: Sun Jian (later Sun Ce, later still, no one)
Interesting Quote: "I will show you that I can fight like my father and
Officers in his command: Sun Ce, Gan Ning, Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao, Sun Shang Xiang,
Lu Xun, Huang Gai, Zhou Yu, Sun Li.
Sun Quan took over the command of Wu after Sun Ce died, and attempted to live the dream of his father: To unite China and bring everlasting peace. Sun Quan allied with Liu Bei in the battle of Chi Bi (situated on the Chang Jiang) and won the naval battle against Cao Cao, who had relatively little naval experience. Sun Quan failed to finish what Sun Jian and Sun Ce had begun, as he was defeated by Cao Cao, whose army was considerably larger than his.
Name: Da Qiao
Served: Wu
Commanding Officer: Sun Jian (then Sun Ce, then later still, Sun Quan)
Interesting Quote: "I can fight!"
Officers in her command: None
Da Qiao was Xiao Qiao's sister and, when they were together, were known as "The Two Qiaos". the most beauriful flower was said to be put to shame by the duo's beauty. Da Qiao used fans as weapons (how did the fans do any damage?) like her sister, and fought alongside her in several battles. The battle that a lot of people will know Da Qiao from is the Battle of You Ting.
Name: Xiao Qiao
Served: Wu
Commanding officer: Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Quan
Interesting Quote: "I don't lose to anyone!"
Officers in her command: Xu Sheng
Xiao Qiao was Da Qiao's sister, and were known as "The Two Qiaos" when they were together. It was said that even the most beautiful flower was put to shame by the duo's beauty. Xiao Qiao, like her sister, used fans as weapons (how they caused any damage I don't know). A battle most people will recognise Xiao Qiao from is the Battle of You Ting.
Name: Lu Xun
Served: Wu
Commanding Officer: Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Quan
Interesting Quote: "(Will add soon)"
Officers in his command: None
Lu Xun fought valiantly for his commanders and Wu. His double swords and amazing agility made him a fantastic and speedy fighters, often tearing through crowds of enemy with ease.
Name: Sun Shang Xiang
Served: Wu
Commanding Officer: Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Quan
Interesting Quote:"My brothers shall praise me for defeating you!"
Officers in her command: None
Sun Shang Xiang (nicknamed Shalashaska at Gaming Warlords for some reason) was Sun Jian's daughter who fought alongside Sun Jian in a large number of battles. This was unusual in her era, as women were not treated equally at that time. She proved her worth in many battles, particularly in the battle for He Fei castle.
Name: Zhou Yu
Served: Wu
Commanding Officer: Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Quan
Interesting Quote:"Unnecessary bloodshed, yet again!"
Officers in his command: None
Will add more information as soon as possible!
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(Seal Of Approval is only given out to the games/sites we REALLY think deserve them. These games MUST score 9.0 or higher to get the SOA. Should we rate a game 8.0 - 8.9, then we will give them the Try It Out award. The games that get this award are very good, but not quite good enough in our opinion to be obsessed with (like us here at Gaming Warlords). Don't forget that this is our opinion, and if you think we were too generous with a rating, or too hard on a particular game, then email us at the address above, and tell us what you think briefly, what we missed out and what you would rate the game as. As for sites, these are a different matter and you should tell who made the site what is wrong with their site. However please tell us if a link to a site doesn't work or the site is offensive, so that we can look at it and decide what to do about it.)
Copyright JD Whitby, Gaming Warlord No.1, 2003.